我正要收拾厨房,室友马里奥进来问我在做什么。我穿着内衣和高跟鞋,整个厨房乱糟糟的,到处都是摄影棚灯光、相机设置和其他东西。我告诉他我超级忙,需要完成海关工作,编辑剪辑,但我需要先洗碗,就像我承诺的那样。于是他问我是否愿意接受捆绑耐力挑战,如果我坚持 20 分钟,他会帮我做剩下的家务。我答应了,因为我讨厌洗碗,而且我已经准备好拍摄了,所以这将是一个双赢的局面。所以我希望在酒吧桌上,这样他就可以轻松地把我绑起来,让我做一个优雅的交叉腿捆绑。它非常紧,尤其是我的肘部,但目前还好。I was just about cleaning up the kitchen when my roommate Mario came in and asked me what I was up to. I was all dressed up in Lingerie and heels and the whole kitchen was a huge mess with studio lights and camera settings and other stuff. I told him that Im super busy and need to get customs done, edit clips but that I need to do the dishes first as I promised. So he asked me if I would be up for a bondage endurance challenge and if I stay in it for 20 minutes he would do the rest of the housework for me. I accepted cause I hate doing the dishes and I was already ready to shoot so this would be a win-win situation. So I hoped on the bar table so he could easily tie me up in a classy crossed leg hogtie. It was very tight especially on my ellbows but just fine for the moment.