London Evans - Ex-Boyfriend Wants to Get Back Together

Residue 浏览
伦敦穿着背心和牛仔短裙坐在家里,这时她的前男友走了进来。原来他并没有真的弄丢她家的钥匙。他告诉她,他们是天生一对,他想多谈谈如何挽救这段关系,但她说他们已经分手了,所以他必须采取极端措施。很快,他就把她绑了起来,手腕、胸部、膝盖、脚踝和脚都被绳子绑住了。她似乎没有什么好说的,所以他用一条蓝色的头巾堵住了她的嘴,用一条粉色的头巾蒙住了她的嘴唇。他给她揉了揉脚,挠了挠她,然后就离开了,让她回想起他们在一起的美好时光。伦敦试图挣脱绳子,但只成功露出了她的内裤。她的前男友回来了,取下了她的口塞,希望听到她改变主意的消息。相反,她开始告诉他他们在一起时他做的所有错事,于是他把两只小袜子塞进她的嘴里,并在她的嘴唇上贴了 5 条绿色运动机能胶带。他又挠了她一下,然后又离开了。当她最新的口塞被取下后,她告诉前男友她的新男友,结果她的内裤被塞得满嘴都是,嘴上还缠着一堆红胶带。最后,她的前男友明白他的尝试是徒劳的,于是离开了伦敦,开始了她的新生活。伦敦在沙发上扭来扭去,希望她现在的男朋友能尽快过来。London is sitting around her house in a tank top and short denim skirt when her ex-boyfriend walks in. Turns out he didn’t really lose his key to her place after all. He tells her that they’re meant to be and he wants to talk more about saving the relationship but she says they’re done so he has to take extreme measures. Soon he has her all tied up, roped at the wrists, chest, knees, ankles, and feet. She doesn’t appear to have anything positive to say so he stuffs her mouth with a blue bandana and ties a pink one over her lips. He gives her a foot rub and tickles her before leaving her so she can think about all the good times they had. London tries to get out of the ropes but only succeeds in showing off her panties. Her ex returns and removes her gag, hoping to hear that she’s changed her mind. Instead, she starts telling him about all the things he did wrong while they were together so he packs 2 small socks into her mouth and smooths 5 strips of green kinesiology tape over her lips. He tickles her more and then leaves again. Once her latest gag is removed, she tells her ex about her new boyfriend, which earns her a mouthful of her own panties and a bunch of red tape wrapped over her mouth. Finally understanding his attempts are in vain, her ex leaves London to her new life. London wriggles around on the couch, hoping her current boyfriend will decide to drop by soon.
