1. 模特听命自己戴上手铐和脚镣,并将项圈连接在铁链上,随后挣扎
2. 被胁迫戴上钢钩,随后钢钩被所在吊在墙上的铁链上,铁链被拉紧,这种状态下,仅凭钢钩就让她无法逃脱。模特在这种状态下痛苦的挣扎,企图离开,但根本不可能做到。
3. 将锁着钢钩的钥匙扔在地上让模特自己捡,她费尽力气,每一次挪动都让钢钩的拉扯更加剧烈,终于用脚够到钥匙,并把钥匙拿到手上。本以为可以逃脱,然而钥匙却被抢走,只能痛苦的哀嚎。
4. 被迫参与痛苦转轮游戏(pain wheel),拿来一个抽签盒让她抽,每一个纸团上都写着一种惩罚,需要抽3次。第一次抽到了马鞭SP20下,第二次抽到了藤条打大腿内侧10下,第三次抽到了散鞭鞭打全身50下。鞭打的过程非常硬核,鞭鞭到肉。鞭打的痛苦之下,却又因为被钢钩钩住无法逃脱,甚至无法大幅度的挣扎,只能直挺挺的站着来接受鞭打。(鞭打的过程采用了双机位拍摄,从不同的视角记录下她痛苦的表情和肢体动作。)
The video introduction:
Duration: 00:38:15
Size: 2.87G
Resolution: 2K
Dialogue Audio: English
Subtitles: Bilingual in English and Chinese
This time, it is a replica of the famous Metal bondage series and the Pain Wheel series and combines the two. Very hardcore torture in a European style, cold metal confinement with steel hook hanging, whipping whip to the flesh. There was a lot of dialogue and begging for mercy in the process, and because it was an overseas version, the whole process was in English. Dont worry if you dont understand English, I made bilingual subtitles.
Approximate content includes:
1. The model obeys her orders to put on handcuffs and leg irons, attaches the collar to the chain, and then struggles
2. She is forced to put on a steel hook, and then the steel hook is hung from a chain on the wall, and the iron chain is tightened, and in this state, the steel hook alone makes it impossible for her to escape. The model struggles painfully in this state, trying to leave, but it is simply impossible to do so.
3. Throwing the key with the steel hook on the ground for the model to pick up by herself, she struggled to make the hook pull more violently with each movement, and finally reached the key with her feet and took the key in her hand. I thought I could escape, but the key was snatched away, and I could only wail in pain.
4. Forced to participate in the Pain Wheel, bring a lottery box for her to draw, each ball of paper has a punishment written on it, and it needs to be drawn 3 times. The first time I drew 20 strokes of the horse whip SP, the second time I pumped the rattan 10 times to the inner thigh, and the third time I drew the loose whip and whipped the whole body 50 times. The process of whipping is very hardcore, whipping to the flesh. Under the pain of the whipping, he could not escape because he was hooked by the steel hook, and he could not even struggle greatly, so he could only stand upright to accept the whipping. (The whipping process was filmed with two cameras, recording her painful expressions and body movements from different perspectives.) )